Manhunt gay social website

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If you turn off your public profile, only registered, logged-in Manhunt members will be able to view your profile.” And don’t worry, only your public images will be visible, and nobody will be able to send you mail or IMs without logging in first. If you like the extra attention, just keep the box checked. If you’re a fan of the additional exposure, you don’t have to do a thing! If you’d prefer to keep your profile hidden from guys who aren’t members of the site yet, it’s easy to adjust your privacy settings. We’re making this change so that it’s even easier for guys to find each other on Manhunt. In an email to members, the gay cruising site says “later this month, visitors to Manhunt will be able to search instantly from the login page, even if they don’t have an account yet. Well guess what: is about to do the same. It’s not just that Facebook is handing your data to advertisers you’ll recall the site flipped a switch and made most of your previously hidden data open to the public - unless you opted out. While it may not benefit you to have all your personal information hanging out there like you’re wearing a pair of these, it surely benefits Facebook, which is why the social networking site continues freeballing it with your privacy.

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