Gay pride nyc hours

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That same year, HOP assisted in sponsoring the Rally, the Dance on the Pier, the Rapture on the River, as well as the award ceremony held in the following fall. The Christopher Street Festival - a Pride event sponsored by nearby gay bars and held in the Village on the day of the March every year - was reorganized by HOP as PrideFest after 1993. HOP mobilized with more organized efforts the first march permit for Pride was issued by the City and HOP eventually became a non-profit corporation. That year many of the CSLDC Board members resigned and the remaining organizers formed Heritage of Pride. This March tradition continued each year on the last Sunday in June by CSLDC until 1984. On Jthe Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee (CSLDC, the predecessor to HOP) and some 2,000 people marched up 6th Avenue to a “Gay-In” in Sheeps Meadow, Central Park. A “Gay Power” rally was held a month later on Jin Washington Square Park. Jmarks the occasion of when members of the LGBT+ community fought against police forces engaging in a raid on the gay bar, Stonewall Inn, on Christopher Street in New York City’s Greenwich Village.

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