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I read this fic after finding on your master list a around half a year ago and i can’t for the life of me find it. Overall Favorite Fic of the Year: Go East by Marauders Era Fic: keep your electric eyes on me, babe by Post-Hogwarts Era Fic: the private kind of purple by Magic AU: Hollow Places by Non-magic AU: Rourke by Canon Divergent AU: Maybe It’s Worth It by Angst: Stay by Fluff: wonders bright by Humor: Petty (With A Prior) by Pining: Well, We’re Mates by wxptįavorite Established Relationship Fic: a bit like thunderstorms, a bit like you by just_lollygaggingįavorite Spooky Reads: The Knock by flora_tyronelle & Bitten to the Quick by Beautiful Writing: as real as a wolf’s teeth, or a wolf’s smile by mustntgetmyįavorite Comic: the Place Between by Fanart: This drawing by & This piece by Playlist: in your arms i am a wild creature (chronological multi-era epic) by Rec List: The Wolfstar Yearbooks Project by Favorite Fic Rec Blog: Years: My Favorite Fics of 2020, My Favorite Fics of 2019. Links will bring you to my individual recommendations where you can read my detailed comments. I read and recommended 67 incredible fics this year, and I’ve narrowed that down to 15 personal favorites for this list (+ a few other fandom favorites at the end).

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